

Une éxpédition d'apprentissage pour l'apprentissage



Moving Through Pain

I feel guilt, sadness and pain for the world. The social permaculture workshop with Ego/Ego at Atitlan Organics in Guatemala was a space to collectively acknowledge and accept those feelings. Johanna Masy's work, which was at the center of these... Continue Reading →

The Great Privilege of Witnessing

From the exploration of Authentic Movement at Earthdance, I experienced the power of accepting to be seen and taking the time to truly see another. "To be a witness is a multifaceted experience and responsibilty [...] You are the one who... Continue Reading →

Camp de leadership

Les jeunes du deuxième cycle du secondaire au Collège Letendre ont eut la chance de participer à un camp de Leadership. Pendant 3 jours chaque groupe d'élèves était amener à développer leur leadership autant au niveau émotionnelle que intellectuel. C'était... Continue Reading →

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